WHY ORGANISATIONS WOULD GAIN IN MAKING USE OF HR CONSULTING By Marc Desmarais, Head of HR Solutions HR consulting is both a strategic and operational specialised function which helps organisations to be more efficient and effective through culture alignment, people risk strategies and talent value, thereby impacting positively on the organsiation’s financial performance. The world…

Atrium Expert Spotlight: Personal Trainer Myles Lau

Atrium Fitness Specialist Myles Lau supports Atrium clients with their movement, both inside and outside the office. He specialises in mindset and lifestyle coaching, sports therapy and rehab training, muscle toning, weight loss, and strength and conditioning. Myles is certified by the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) as a Certified Personal Trainer, and has…

Creative Workday Movement

Creative Ways to Incorporate Movement Here are five creative suggestions to encourage movement throughout the workday: Desk Stretches and Yoga: Incorporate simple stretches or yoga poses that can be done at, or near, your desk. Focus on stretching your neck, shoulders, back, and legs to relieve tension and improve circulation. Walking Meetings: Instead of sitting…

Keep Moving! The Positive Impact of Movement in Your Workday

Importance of Movement Throughout the Workday In today’s fast-paced work environments, where many of us find ourselves glued to our desks for hours on end, the importance of incorporating movement throughout the workday cannot be overstated. While work demands may keep us seated, it’s crucial to understand the significant impact that movement—or lack thereof—can have…

How to Involve HR Solutions in Your End-of-Year Business Plans

As we enter the second half of 2024, businesses are often engrossed in evaluating past performance, planning for the upcoming year, and ensuring all loose ends are tied. A crucial aspect that can significantly influence these processes is the involvement of Human Resources solutions. Here’s how integrating HR solutions into your end-of-year business plans can…

What are the Most Impactful HR Solutions?

Human Resources departments are increasingly relying on innovative solutions to manage their diverse responsibilities effectively. From recruitment to employee engagement, the right HR solutions can significantly impact an organisation’s success. Here are some of the most impactful HR solutions that businesses should consider implementing. 1. Recruitment and Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) Recruitment is one of…

The Role of HR Solutions from Recruitment to Retirement

HR plays a pivotal role in managing the employee lifecycle, from recruitment to retirement. The integration of HR solutions at each stage of this cycle ensures efficiency, compliance, and employee satisfaction. Here’s a detailed look at how HR solutions support each phase of an employee’s journey. 1. Recruitment and Onboarding The employee lifecycle begins with…

Enhancing Workplace Productivity Through Brain-Boosting Nutrition

In today’s fast-paced corporate world, maintaining optimal brain health is crucial for sustaining focus and productivity. With mounting demands and constant distractions, it’s imperative to nurture our cognitive abilities through proper nutrition. Certain nutrients play a pivotal role in enhancing focus and concentration, while others can actually hinder cognitive function. Understanding these dietary factors can…

Fuelling Your Mind: How Nutrition Can Boost Brain Health

By Debbie O’Neill, Atrium Specialist Nutritionist, BSc Clinical Nutrition, Adv Dip Nut Med In a time where good mental health is highly valued, we need better understanding of the food we eat and its effect on our brain health more than ever. Just like our bodies need the right fuel to function optimally, our brains…

Atrium Spotlight: Debbie O’Neill, Nutritionist

Debbie O’Neill is a passionate and dedicated nutritionist committed to helping individuals achieve their health and wellbeing goals through evidence-based dietary strategies. With a background in health science and a deep understanding of the intricate relationship between food and health, Debbie empowers her clients to make informed choices that optimise their wellbeing. Having earned her…

Brain-Boosting Omega-3 Salad

Ingredients: Function of Nutrients and How They Support Brain Health: Instructions: Connect with an Atrium Nutritionist now! Write in to

Get Cooking Your Workday Lunch The Local Way! 

Our Head of Wellbeing, Barb Sheldon, is a former Chef and Nutritionist. Barb lives in Western Canada, and, therefore, is in the heart of the agriculture industry and local food movement. When asked to provide a recipe for this issue, Chef Barb replied:  A local food recipe would be different for the unique area that…

GET TO KNOW US:  Atrium’s Team of Nutrition and Fitness Specialists Offer a Wealth of Knowledge for YOUR Wellbeing

At Atrium, we believe that wellbeing is about how we thrive, both mentally and physically. You may not know that we have an incredible team of Nutrition and Fitness professionals who are happy to consult with your organisation about optimal wellbeing.   We will be featuring them all over the next few issues of our wellbeing…

The Global Impact of Eating Local

Eating local isn’t just a trendy catchphrase; it’s a movement with profound global implications. When we choose local foods, we’re supporting nearby farmers and producers, reducing the carbon footprint associated with transportation, and preserving biodiversity. Every bite of locally sourced produce is a vote for sustainability and community resilience. Tips for Eating Lunch in the…

Why Large Companies Could Still Benefit From HR Solutions

Large companies, often characterised by extensive resources and established HR departments, may seem well-equipped to handle their HR needs. However, the complexity and ever-evolving nature of modern business environments have made HR Solutions equally vital for large corporations. In this article, we will consider the compelling reasons why large companies absolutely need HR Solutions to…

The Benefits of HR Solutions for Small Businesses

In today’s competitive business landscape, small companies and startups often face the challenge of effectively managing their workforce without the resources to hire a dedicated HR team. The absence of proper HR management can lead to issues such as lost talent, underperforming employees, and a negative company culture. Fortunately, HR Solutions for small businesses offer…

The Essential Role of HR Solutions for Companies

HR Solutions have become increasingly indispensable for companies across various industries. Whether a company is a small startup, a mid-sized enterprise, or a large corporation, HR Solutions offer a wide range of benefits that cater to the unique needs of each business. We will explore why companies of all sizes and types require HR Solutions…

Ginger-Soy Soba Noodle Salad with Edamame

This easy to make soba noodle salad provides a balance of nutrients that support anxiety reduction and promote a sense of calm and well-being, making it an excellent choice for a workplace lunch. Ingredients For the Salad: For the Ginger-Soy Dressing: Method Why This Recipe Supports Anxiety Your wellbeing matters, and we have a team…

Supporting Anxiety in the Workplace

By Karin Brauner, Atrium Specialist Counsellor Anxiety in the workplace is a tricky topic for both employers and employees. However, this doesn’t need to be the case. There is value in getting a diagnosis regarding anxiety, as individuals can then obtain support. Counselling, temporary anxiety or depression medication to help you process and work through…

Stress in the Workplace

By Beaulah Rose, Atrium’s Wellness Case Manager Stress.  A concept we are all too familiar with.  We are faced with challenges every day in our lives that bring forward mental, emotional and, at times, even physical impacts which further exacerbate our feelings of distress.  Some of the more common stressors we face on a regular…

Navigating the Recruitment Minefield: Common Errors in the Recruitment Process

Recruitment is a vital function for organisations seeking to acquire top talent. However, it is a complex process that can be fraught with pitfalls and challenges. In this article, we will look at common errors in the recruitment process that organisations should avoid in order to ensure successful hiring outcomes. 1. Undefined Job Roles and…

Attracting Talent Committed to Your Business: Strategies for Successful Hiring

One of the most critical challenges facing organisations is hiring talent that is not only highly skilled but also fully committed to the success and growth of the business. The commitment of employees plays a pivotal role in achieving organisational goals, fostering a positive workplace culture, and driving innovation. In this article, we will explore…

Corporate Recruitment in 2030: A Glimpse into Tomorrow’s Talent Acquisition

As we approach the year 2030, the landscape of corporate recruitment is undergoing a profound transformation driven by advancements in technology, shifting demographics, and evolving candidate expectations. In this article, we will explore the future of corporate recruitment and how it is likely to change in the coming decade. 1. Artificial Intelligence and Automation Artificial…

Phasing Out Outdated Corporate Leadership Traits

Corporate leadership is continually evolving, driven by changes in business environments, societal expectations and the dynamic nature of organisations. In this ever-changing landscape, some leadership traits that were once considered effective may now be outdated or even counterproductive. This article explores corporate leadership traits that need to be phased out to align with the demands…

Nurturing Excellence: Strategies to Retain Top Corporate Leaders

In today’s highly competitive business landscape, retaining top corporate leaders is a strategic imperative. These leaders are not only driving innovation and fostering growth but also serving as a source of inspiration and guidance for their teams. To ensure their continued commitment and contributions, organisations must implement effective retention strategies. In this article, we will…

Evolving Corporate Leadership: What Will Corporate Leaders Look Like in 2030?

The landscape of corporate leadership is in a constant state of flux, driven by shifts in technology, demographics and societal values. As we approach the year 2030, the role of corporate leaders is poised for significant transformation. In this article, we will explore the evolving qualities, skills and characteristics that corporate leaders will possess in…

Spiced Chickpeas & Sweet Potatoes with Brown Rice

Borrowed with gratitude from the official Blue Zones website: Forget boring meat and potatoes – tonight it’s all about beans and sweet potatoes! Sweet potato is one of the foundational foods for centenarians in Okinawa and it is a great fuel food with its combination of simple and complex carbohydrates. When combined with kale…

Where are the 5 Official Blue Zones?

Blue Zones are regions around the world where people tend to live much longer than average. These areas have attracted attention from researchers studying longevity, health, and lifestyle factors. The term “Blue Zones” was coined by Michel Poulain, Dan Buettner, and Giovanni Mario Pes when investigating people around the world living longer and healthier lives.…

Discovering the Secrets of Blue Zones: Nutrition for a Long, Happy Career

In the Blue Zones, food isn’t just fuel; it’s a way of life, a cornerstone of community and culture. Let’s have a closer look at some key nutritional principles we can adopt to fuel our own journey towards a long and prosperous career. Plant-Powered Plates: Plants take centre stage in Blue Zone diets. Fresh fruits,…

Unlocking Longevity in the Workplace: Blue Zones and Productivity

As we continue to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of workplace wellness, it’s essential to explore innovative approaches that not only enhance productivity but also promote longevity and wellbeing. One fascinating concept gaining traction in this realm is the idea of Blue Zones – regions around the world where people live significantly longer, healthier lives compared…

Balancing Menstrual Herbal Tea Blend 

Menstruation can bring about various physical and emotional changes, and supporting your body during this time is essential for overall well-being. This menstrual herbal tea blend combines herbs known for their ability to ease menstrual discomfort, support hormonal balance, and promote relaxation. Enjoy a cup of this soothing tea during your menstrual cycle to help…

Navigating Menopause in the Workplace: Overcoming Barriers to Success

Menopause, a natural transition marking the end of reproductive years in women, can bring about a myriad of physical and emotional changes. Yet, despite affecting millions of women worldwide, discussions about menopause in the workplace remain largely taboo. This silence perpetuates barriers to success for women navigating this stage of life in their careers. However,…

International Women’s Day: Inspire Inclusion in the Workplace

As we gear up to celebrate International Women’s Day on March 8, 2024, it’s essential to reflect on the progress made in empowering women in the workplace and to acknowledge the ongoing challenges they face, particularly concerning health and wellness. This year’s theme, “Inspire Inclusion” resonates profoundly in the context of women’s health and wellness…

WORKING WITH AI – Risks and Rewards? Are you “future-ready”?

By Pauline Mei Ling Williams Working with AI can indeed offer significant rewards, but it is important to manage the associated risks effectively. Here are some steps you can take to balance risk and reward when working with AI: Define clear goals and objectives: Clearly define what you want to achieve with AI and ensure…

Cultivating a Culture of Wellness: A Blueprint for Organisational Success

In today’s fast-paced and demanding business landscape, cultivating a culture of wellness within an organisation has emerged as a critical factor for success. A culture of wellness goes beyond traditional employee wellness programmes; rather it is a holistic approach that permeates an organisation’s values, practices and daily operations. In this article, we will consider the…

The Benefits of Remote Corporate Wellness Programmes

The traditional corporate wellness model, focused on in-person initiatives within the workplace, has undergone a significant transformation with the rise of remote work. Remote corporate wellness programmes have become increasingly relevant, offering a range of benefits to both employers and employees. In this article, we will explore the advantages of remote corporate wellness programmes and…

How is Corporate Wellness Evolving in 2024?

In today’s rapidly changing and demanding work environments, the wellbeing of employees has emerged as a central concern for organisations worldwide. As awareness of the connection between employee wellbeing and productivity grows, businesses are increasingly realising the importance of investing in comprehensive wellness programmes. This article considers the future of employee wellness and highlights key…

Sugar in our Diet in 2024

By Award-winning, Atrium Associate Nutritionist, Nick Wall ANutr Award Winning, AfN registered nutritionist, Nick Wall, is a top professional in his field and enjoys a healthy and sporting lifestyle. You can find him regularly in the gym as well as participating in many sports including football, cricket, golf, table tennis and skiing. Nick has a…

Crafting Excellence: The Elements of a Comprehensive Employee Benefits Package

A well-structured employee benefits package is a cornerstone of a competitive compensation strategy. It not only attracts top talent but also contributes to employee satisfaction, retention, and overall well-being. In this article, we will look at the essential elements that make up a good employee benefits package and why they are vital for both employees…

Employee Benefits in the Age of Sustainability: Adapting for Environmental Initiatives

In today’s world, the corporate landscape is undergoing a profound transformation, with a growing emphasis on sustainability and environmental responsibility. As organizations strive to reduce their carbon footprint and align with eco-friendly values, they are recognizing the importance of extending their sustainability efforts to their employee benefits packages. This article considers the evolution of employee…

What are the Hot Topics Surrounding Employee Benefits in 2024?

Employee benefits are continually evolving to meet the changing needs and expectations of the workforce. Several hot topics and trends are currently shaping the discussion around employee benefits: Atrium HR Consulting offers the largest provider network of any broker, enabling us to negotiate the best possible premiums and coverage on your behalf from the international…

The Transformative Role of HR Consultants in Business Success

In today’s rapidly changing business landscape, human resources (HR) plays a pivotal role in the success of any organization. To navigate the complexities of talent management, workforce development, and compliance with ever-evolving employment laws, many businesses turn to HR consultants. These professionals bring a wealth of expertise and experience to the table, offering tailored solutions…

Tailored Excellence: HR Consultants and Customized HR Solutions for Businesses

The world of business is dynamic, and each organization is unique, with its own set of challenges and objectives. In this ever-changing landscape, Human Resources (HR) plays a pivotal role in an organization’s success. To meet their specific HR needs, many businesses turn to HR consultants, who excel in offering customized HR solutions. In this…

A Day in the Life of an HR Consultant

Human Resources (HR) consultants play a vital role in supporting organizations in managing their workforce effectively. They provide expert guidance on various HR functions, from recruitment and talent management, to compliance and organizational development. In this article, we will delve into the day-to-day life of an HR consultant, exploring the diverse responsibilities and challenges they…

Atrium’s Award Winning Nutritionist Shares His Take on Sugar

Did you know that Atrium has a terrific team of highly qualified nutritionists?  Recently, our own Nick Wall won “Best Professional UK Nutritionist”, and we couldn’t be prouder of him.  Here is Nick’s take on sugar, and the importance of being mindful about intake in the new year. 

Sweet Beginnings: 5 Fun Tips for Healthy Sugar Swaps

As we kick off the new year, many of us are eager to embrace healthier habits and make positive changes. One area worth exploring is our sugar consumption – after all, a sweet start can set the tone for a fantastic year ahead! Here are five fun tips for swapping out the sugar without sacrificing…

The Sweet Truth About Productivity

In the fast-paced world of business, productivity is a key driver of success. As we embark on a new year, it’s essential to explore all aspects that may impact our efficiency and well-being. One surprising factor that often goes overlooked is our sugar intake. Recent studies have shed light on the significant effects of sugar…

Boosting Year-end Engagement in December

Hello everyone and welcome to the holiday season countdown. Yes! It’s almost the most wonderful time of the year. Apart from wrapping up (pun intended) year-end projects and performance appraisals, if you haven’t done so already, now is the time to start thinking about how to boost engagement! Here are a few ideas to boost…

The Enduring Relevance of Recruitment Consultancies in the Age of AI

The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized many aspects of business, including recruitment. AI has brought automation, data analysis and efficiency to the hiring process, leading some to question the relevance of traditional recruitment consultancies. However, it is essential to recognize that recruitment consultancies continue to have a significant and enduring place in the…

Why Recruitment Benchmarking is a Necessity for HR Teams in 2024

Recruitment benchmarking is the process of comparing an organization’s recruitment practices, metrics and outcomes to industry or peer standards to assess performance, identify areas for improvement and set realistic goals. It involves measuring various aspects of the recruitment process, such as time-to-fill, cost-per-hire, quality of hire, diversity and inclusion efforts and candidate experience, and then…
low-angle photography of man in the middle of buidligns

Empowering Informed Decisions: Atrium HR Consulting’s Unique Recruitment Benchmarking Service

Staying competitive in the recruitment and talent acquisition landscape is paramount. One key aspect of achieving this competitiveness is having access to accurate and up-to-date salary data to inform compensation decisions. Atrium HR Consulting, a leader in HR solutions, recognizes the importance of this need and has developed a comprehensive salary benchmarking service that offers…

Dopamine Delight Quinoa Salad: The Happy Bowl

Hey there, lunchtime enthusiasts! Are you ready to conquer the afternoon slump with a dish that’s not only delicious, but also a one-way ticket to a happy, focused brain? Say hello to the Dopamine Delight Quinoa Salad, aka “The Happy Bowl” – because who said lunch can’t be a party for your taste buds and…

Laughter Yoga

In the quest for holistic well-being in the workplace, an innovative and refreshing approach has emerged that not only tickles your funny bone but also contributes significantly to your overall health – Laughter Yoga. Read on for the incredible benefits of laughter yoga and how incorporating it into our routine can lead to a happier,…

Lightening the Load: Laughter in The Workplace

In the relentless pursuit of a thriving workplace, fostering an environment where laughter reverberates becomes more than a nicety—it’s a strategic investment in the well-being and productivity of your team. This edition of the Atrium Wellness newsletter explores the science-backed health benefits of laughter in the workplace and provides actionable tips to infuse more laughter…

Leading with kindness – the most valuable thing in the world

By Pauline Mei Ling Williams World Kindness Day is celebrated annually on November 13th. It is a day dedicated to promoting and spreading kindness throughout the world. The idea behind World Kindness Day is to encourage individuals, communities and organizations to engage in acts of kindness that can make a positive impact on others’ lives.…

Holiday Immunity Elixir

This immunity elixir is not only soothing, but also packed with ingredients that may help support your immune system during the holiday season. Adjust the sweetness and spiciness to your liking and feel free to customize it with other herbs and spices that you find beneficial for your health. It’s a perfect warm beverage to…

The Importance of Joy this Holiday Season: Boosting Immunity

The holiday season is a time for joy, celebration and togetherness. While it’s undoubtedly a time of giving and gratitude, did you know that fostering joy during this season can also play a crucial role in strengthening our immunity? In this article, we’ll explore the relationship between joy and immunity and provide five tips to…

Top Tips For Staying Healthy at Work

Staying Healthy During Cold and Flu Season While your organization can provide support for your immunity in the workplace, individual actions are crucial for staying healthy during the cold and flu season. What Can You Do?

Navigating Cold and Flu Season: Immunity at Work

As we approach the colder months in the Northern Hemisphere, we are not only preparing for the holiday season but also for the inevitable cold and flu season. Maintaining a healthy and productive workforce is essential for any organization and supporting immunity at work is a key component of achieving this goal. In this newsletter…

Maximize Business Potential in 2024: Leveraging Psychometric Risk Type

Business success often hinges on understanding oneself and adapting to the ever-evolving landscape. Psychometric risk assessments have become an emerging tool for self-awareness and strategic advantage in business. This article explores how knowing your psychometric risk type can provide individuals and organizations with a distinct upper hand in the world of business. Enhanced Self-awareness Knowing…

Leveraging Executive Coaching for Business Success in 2024

Organizations are continually seeking strategies to maximize their potential and stay ahead of the curve. One powerful tool that has gained prominence in recent years is executive coaching. Executive coaching involves a confidential, one-on-one relationship between a coach and an executive, aimed at enhancing leadership skills, personal development and overall performance. This article explores the…

8 Reasons to Invest in Employee Leadership Training in 2024

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, effective leadership is crucial for organizational success. Leaders play a pivotal role in shaping company culture, driving innovation and motivating teams to achieve their best. Recognizing the significance of leadership, many companies have turned to employee leadership training programs to nurture and develop their existing and emerging leaders. This…

Top 10 HR Leadership Qualities

In today’s dynamic and ever-evolving corporate landscape, the role of HR leaders has never been more critical. HR leaders are at the forefront of managing the most valuable asset of any organization – its people. To excel in this role, HR leaders must possess a unique set of qualities that enable them to navigate the…

Remember in November, the importance of Movember! Promoting Men’s Health Awareness

By Pauline Mei-Ling Williams (Director, Atrium HR Consulting) What is the Meaning of Movember? Movember is a portmanteau of the words “moustache” and “November.” It is an annual event that takes place in November, where men around the world grow moustaches to raise awareness and funds for men’s health issues, such as prostate cancer, testicular…

Workday Energy Balls

A handy recipe and secret weapon for your lunch box. Workday Energy Balls will ensure you feel fully charged during your hectic work week, Ingredients Optional:  Method Optional:

All Things Energy! Q&A with Atrium’s Head of Wellness, Barb Sheldon, MA. 

This month we are talking all things energy with Atrium’s Head of Wellness, Barb Sheldon, MA.  Barb Sheldon is the top leadership wellness expert in her field. She is a holistic nutrition and culinary educator, and author from Calgary, Alberta, Canada. For the past two decades, Barb’s brand of nutrition and culinary education has reached…

Sugar Crash: How do your daily food choices affect your productivity? 

By Debbie O’Neill, Atrium Specialist Nutritionist How awful is that sluggish feeling when you’re at the office, light-headed with little to no energy to continue working because you’ve lost all focus.   Aptly named “sugar crash” many of us have experienced this rollercoaster ride of ups and downs in energy levels – usually in the afternoon.…

Fostering Workplace Harmony: The Power of Random Acts of Kindness

In today’s fast-paced, competitive world, it’s easy to get caught up in the daily grind of the workplace. The pressures of deadlines, meetings and goals often leave little room for empathy and compassion. However, there is a simple, yet profound way, to transform the atmosphere of any workplace – random acts of kindness. These small,…

Kindness in the Workplace: Cultivating a Positive Ripple Effect

Kindness is a fundamental human trait that has the power to create a profound impact on both individuals and the world at large. While kindness is often associated with personal interactions and altruistic deeds, its significance in the workplace should not be underestimated. In fact, promoting kindness in the workplace can have far-reaching and transformative…

The Significance of Celebrating International Awareness Days: International Kindness Day

In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in our daily routines and forget about the bigger picture. International awareness days serve as a reminder to pause and reflect on important global issues, fostering a sense of unity and shared responsibility. One such day is International Kindness Day, celebrated each year on November…

Safeguarding HR Data Privacy: Essential Steps for Companies

Data is one of the most valuable assets a company possesses. Among the various types of data, human resources (HR) data is particularly sensitive, as it contains a wealth of personal and confidential information about employees. Protecting HR data is not only a legal and ethical obligation, but also crucial for maintaining trust and security…

Corporate Options for a Stressed Workforce

Stress has become an increasingly prevalent issue affecting both employees and organizations in the modern day office. The impact of a stressed workforce can be detrimental, leading to decreased productivity, increased absenteeism, higher turnover rates, and a negative work environment. To address this critical concern, corporations must proactively explore and implement strategies and options to…

The Impact of Wellness Terminology on Employee Engagement: A Comprehensive Analysis

Wellness programs have become a cornerstone of modern workplace strategies aimed at promoting employee wellbeing and engagement. However, the terminology used to describe these programs can significantly impact their effectiveness. In this article, we will explore the different terminology associated with wellness initiatives and discuss how the choice of words can influence employee engagement. The…

Thriving Through Wellness: How Corporate Wellness Programs Elevate Your Brand and Market Presence

In today’s dynamic and competitive business environment, a company’s success is not solely measured by its financial performance. Corporate profile and market positioning are equally critical factors that influence how a company is perceived by its stakeholders and how it competes in the market. One increasingly influential aspect of corporate profile and market positioning is…

Supporting Wellbeing & Integrating Healthy Habits into the Workplace

By Pauline Mei-Ling Williams, Director (Atrium HR Consulting) Over the past few decades, there is probably not much difference in terms of the workplace environment, apart from, of course, the advancement in technology and workplace systems. However, over the past few years, especially considering the last three years, if you now walk into an organization’s…

Striking the Balance: How Companies Can Better Support Work-Life Balance

In today’s fast-paced world, achieving a work-life balance has become a growing concern for employees. Balancing the demands of work and personal life can be challenging, leading to stress, burnout, and decreased productivity. Companies play a pivotal role in fostering a work environment that supports their employees’ work-life balance. This article explores the importance of…

Liver-Loving Rubbed Kale Salad

This recipe supports digestion and the ever-important organ, the liver, which is a site of hormone production and detoxification. Oh, and don’t let it fool you, it’s super delicious!  Ingredients Method

Hormones and Life Changes

Different chemical messengers send different signals at different stages of life. Puberty, monthly menstrual cycles, pregnancy, menopause and andropause are all natural stages of life that see shifts in hormone levels like estrogen, testosterone, progesterone and DHEA. Sometimes, as many of us are all too familiar with, these shifts cause unwanted and uncomfortable body and…

Your Hormones and Sleep

Guess what? Most of us don’t sleep well. While supplements that contain the sleep hormone melatonin are on the market, there are disputed studies as to how well they work and if they interfere with other hormone signaling in your body. The best bet? Stimulate your own melatonin! Here are a few tips for better…

Hunger Hormones and Your Health

By Barb Sheldon, Atrium’s Head of Wellness In our fast-paced, adrenaline-fueled society, the pressure to work efficiently and productively can often outweigh the need to slow down, eat mindfully and rest and digest. This can create confusion among your hunger hormones and lead to overeating, under-digesting and not optimally absorbing your food.  Leptin and ghrelin…

The Stress and Hormone Connection

By Debbie O’Neill, Atrium Nutritionist Hormones are chemical messengers produced from various endocrine glands, transported throughout our body to reach target organs to facilitate numerous functions within our body.  Regulating blood sugar levels, blood pressure, and body temperature, growth and development, fertility, libido, digestion, sleep-wake cycle and even our moods are some of the functions…
Person Stepped on Gum

The Pitfalls of Opting for the Cheapest Corporate Health Insurance: Why Quality Matters

In today’s corporate landscape, employee benefits play a crucial role in attracting and retaining talent. Among these benefits, corporate health insurance stands as a significant offering that provides employees with access to medical care and financial security during times of illness. While cost considerations are essential for businesses, opting for the cheapest corporate health insurance…
Umbrella Lot

The Significance of Corporate Insurance Policies for the Workforce

In today’s dynamic business landscape, where uncertainties are an inevitable part of operations, corporate insurance policies have emerged as a vital safeguard for both companies and their workforce. These policies play a crucial role in providing financial protection and peace of mind to employees, ensuring their well-being while simultaneously fortifying a company’s stability. This article…

What are the Top 5 HR Priorities for Businesses in 2023?

In the ever-evolving landscape of human resources, companies are constantly striving to adapt and stay ahead of the curve. Here at Atrium, our HR support service helps businesses to re-prioritise their HR policies according to the latest trends and requirements. In 2023, several key priorities have emerged as the focal points for HR professionals. These…

Q&A with Carman Lai: Staff Benefits and Evolving Employee Needs

Carman Lai, Head of People at Pizza Express, Hong Kong Limited) Carman Lai is a highly experienced and empathetic leader who has been instrumental in driving the vision and values of her organization. With over 20 years of experience in the F&B sector, she has managed teams in various renowned restaurants both locally and overseas.…

Rethinking Employee Benefits in the Future of Work Landscape

By Pauline Mei-Ling Williams, Director We are all immersed and evolving in a world which is becoming more and more diverse by the day and our work places are no different. Workforces within organizations globally are more diverse than ever; demographically and culturally – representing different ages and generations, all of which influence thinking, perceptions,…

Simple Salmon Salad Sandwich

Work More Vitamin D Into Your Kitchen If getting enough sun can be a struggle for you, there are a few foods that contain Vitamin D that could help support your intake.  This quick and easy sandwich is a great way to get a little more sunshine (and extra protein!) in your lunchbox! Simple Salmon…

Letting Nature Bring Light to Your Life

By Atrium Specialist Counsellor, Karin Brauner “Just living is not enough…one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.”  Hans Christian Andersen Getting out in nature is the best way to get your daily dose (and more) of vitamin D. It’s also a great way to separate yourself from your devices and spend some time…

The Benefits of Sunshine

By Atrium Specialist Nutritionist, Debbie O’Neill Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he sees all day. H.Jackson Brown Jnr There is something so mood-enhancing when the sun is out and its light is radiating on our skin, giving a boost of endorphins, thereby bringing us much delight.…
a square object with a knot on it

Navigating the AI Revolution

The dawn of the AI revolution has brought about numerous advancements, transforming the way we work and live. As organizations increasingly incorporate AI technologies into their processes, it becomes imperative to address the psychological impacts of this transformative technology. The course, “RESULTS: Working with AI,” seeks to equip professionals with an understanding of how AI…
person's left hand

Cultivating a Progressive Culture

In today’s rapidly evolving world, fostering a culture of progressive thinking is essential for individuals, organizations, and society as a whole. A progressive culture encourages innovation, diversity, adaptability, and continuous improvement. One powerful tool to achieve this transformation is investing in comprehensive training and development programs. By empowering employees to grow both personally and professionally,…

Tech Tips For HR Management

Efficiency and time management play pivotal roles within every HR department. As HR processes grow increasingly intricate and the management of diverse workforces becomes essential, technology has evolved into an indispensable asset. Embracing technological solutions empowers HR professionals to simplify tasks, streamline processes, and reclaim valuable time. Through automating administrative tasks, enhancing recruitment and talent…

Embracing Diversity: The Array of Coping Strategies Shaped by Individual Circumstances

Life presents us with a multitude of challenges and how we navigate those challenges varies greatly from person to person. Everyone’s circumstances and experiences shape their coping strategies, resulting in a rich tapestry of diverse approaches to managing adversity. In this article, we explore the diverse range of coping strategies individuals employ based on their…

Prioritizing Personal Well-being: Helping Yourself Before Helping Others

In a world that often glorifies selflessness and putting others first, it is essential to recognize the importance of prioritizing personal well-being. While helping others is undoubtedly a noble endeavour, neglecting our own needs can have detrimental effects on our physical, mental and emotional health. This article explores the significance of self-care and offers practical…

Clean Cookies

Just because you may have dietary restrictions does not mean you have to miss out on indulgences! These cookies are moist and chewy and ever-so delish! Ingredients Instructions

Do You Know Your Body?

By Atrium’s Head of Wellness, Barb Sheldon, MA As a nutritionist in practice for 25 years, it still amazes me how disconnected we can be from the needs of our body. Food, sleep, hydration and stress reduction are often sacrificed first when we feel the pressures of success at work and school, health of our…

Who Am I?

This month, we asked some of Atrium’s therapists to answer this question: “Who Am I?” Here are their thoughts and reflections.   Karin Brauner, Atrium Specialist Counsellor: If someone asks you who you are, would you know how to start answering the question? We usually default to saying “I’m a counsellor/chef/engineer/etc.”, and that’s OK, that’s part…

Nine Benefits to Getting a Good Night’s Sleep

Enhanced Cognitive Function: Quality sleep improves focus, attention, memory, and overall cognitive performance. Increased Productivity: Adequate sleep enables you to stay alert, make better decisions, and be more efficient throughout the day. Improved Physical Health: Sleep is crucial for the body’s healing and repair processes, promoting a stronger immune system and better overall health. Better…

Q&A with Marlene Chan

Training and Development and its Integral Role in Promoting a Thriving Workplace Culture Whether organizations are offering educational training programs, both virtually or in-person, I think most employers would agree that it is crucial that they invest, and continue to invest, in the career development of their most important asset, PEOPLE. Surveys show that, now…

Four Leadership Tips to Foster Better Mental Well-being at Work

A Case study from POINT3 Wellbeing has revealed over 34% of British workers are experiencing poor well-being at work! Here are four steps your business can take to boost well-being. Promoting Psychological Safety and Vulnerability To achieve cultural change, a successful approach requires both top-down and bottom-up efforts. Every individual has a role to play,…

“The Big Stay” 2023

The global pandemic triggered a trend known as the “Great Resignation”, employers weathered a storm of uncertainty that saw waves of employees handing in their notices to pursue new opportunities. Now, it appears that employee retention and loyalty are on the up again. A trend, Nela Richardson, Chief Economist at ADP, is calling the Big…

Minimise the Impact of Work on Mental Health

Here are four simple strategies to minimise the impact of work on mental health: If you’re looking to minimise the impact of work on your employee’s mental health, get in touch with one of our Wellness experts at

Tips for Rest Through Better Sleep 

By Barb Sheldon, MA Atrium’s Head of Wellness Sleep, that often-elusive recharge that we all so desperately need, is the greatest rest nutrient of them all. If sleep does not go well for you, consider looking into the myriad of ways you can improve sleep hygiene such as: black-out curtains, going to bed at the…

The Upside of Imposter Syndrome

Imposter Syndrome The feeling that your achievements are not real or that you do not deserve praise or success Cambridge Dictionary Up until now, Imposter Syndrome has generally been viewed as an obstacle to success, but what if we viewed Imposter Syndrome in a positive light? It’s refreshing to come across perspectives that challenge the conventional notion of Imposter Syndrome being a negative experience. A recent…

Food For Thought: Rest and Digest

By Barb Sheldon, MA Atrium’s Head of Wellness Tips For Rest Through Better Digestion Think about how sleepy you feel after you overindulge at a holiday meal. Digesting takes more energy than almost everything else we do! If we do not allow ourselves time and the proper fuel so digestion can happen with ease, body…

Taking Care of You Through Rest

By Atrium Specialist Counsellor Karin Brauner You’ve probably heard the phrase “rest or your body will make you rest”. As someone who believes that self-care is not selfish, but actually essential, I take this very seriously. Have you had times when you’ve been pushing through the tiredness and worked a lot more than you know…

The Importance of Rest

Studies are now showing clearly that gone are the days of burning the candle at both ends. Productive, happy workplaces are filled with people who are energized and ready to take on the day with clarity of mind and a fuelled body.  So what fuels you? What provides clarity, focus, and energy to your system…

Navigating the Challenges of International Human Resources

Introduction As businesses expand globally, the field of international Human Resources (HR) faces unique challenges. Managing a diverse workforce across different countries, cultures and legal frameworks requires HR professionals to navigate complex issues. From talent acquisition and cross-cultural communication to compliance with local labour laws, international HR demands a strategic and adaptable approach. In this…

Embracing the Future: The Evolution of Human Resources Administration

Introduction As the workplace continues to evolve, so does the field of Human Resources (HR) administration. With advancements in technology, changing workforce demographics and shifting employee expectations, HR professionals are adapting their practices to meet the demands of the future. In this article, we will explore key trends and developments shaping the future of HR…

The Importance of Observing Mental Health Awareness Month

As May comes to an end and June begins, we reflect on this year’s Mental Health Awareness Month (May) and why it is important to observe its message all the year round. Mental Health Awareness Month is a crucial annual observance that shines a spotlight on the importance of mental well-being. Recognized globally each May,…

Neurodiversity in the Workplace

How Organisations Should Embrace Neurodiversity and Support Neurodivergent Employees “Neurodiversity is the concept that all humans vary in terms of our neurocognitive ability. Everyone has both talents and things they struggle with.” “Neurodiversity can be a competitive advantage when the individuals are in the right environment, making use of their strengths, instead of constantly trying to overcome challenges.” This month’s…

How Do You Wind Down?

By Ed Paget, Atrium HR Fitness Expert Do you ever want to just stop?  Stop planning, stop chasing, stop working, stop parenting, stop thinking. I do, and there’s a good reason for it.  Our brain has different states, one of those states is the flow state. This is when everything works. Think of a musician…

Let Your Own Relaxed Brain State Heal Yourself

By Atrium Specialist Counsellor, Nastassia Tsuei Advanced Mindfulness Imagery Breathing Exercise: Let Your Own Relaxed Brain State Heal Yourself We all know that abdominal breathing can help sleep, eliminate tension, and reduce stress. According to research, when breathing exercises are combined with imagery and mindful meditation exercises, the benefits can be, but not limited to,…

Prioritising YOU

By Atrium HR Specialist Counsellor, Karin Brauner As this month is mental health awareness month, I’d like to focus this post on “you” and your mental wellbeing. Why? Because you should be a priority in your life at all times. I’m going to tell you a few ways in which you can easily make yourself…

Encouraging Greater Team Collaboration

Effective team collaboration not only improves productivity and efficiency, but also contributes to the long-term well-being of individuals. In fact, a Stanford University study revealed that employees who were encouraged to work collaboratively were able to stick to their tasks 64% longer than those who worked alone, and reported higher engagement levels, lower fatigue levels,…

Spring Detox Salad

By Chef Barb Sheldon, MA, Atrium’s Head of Wellness A fresh, liver-loving spring salad is a great way to create a sense of renewal in your body, supporting the detoxification process and allowing nutrients from brightly coloured plants to bring you more energy and clarity! Ingredients Salad Dressing Method All ingredients above contribute to the…

Stuck in a Rut: Refresh Your Eating Routine at Work

Our midday meal is crucial for blood sugar balance, focus and concentration and energy levels. Most of us take our meals at lunch at the office, and often in front of the computer, continuing to work as we munch. Distracted eating, however, can lead to overconsumption and choices that are less than optimal for our…

The Great Workplace Renewal

Renewal and detoxification are typical health topics for this time of year in the Western Hemisphere, when the buds are blossoming on the trees and nature shows us that uniquely bright, fresh green that comes with rebirth. In springtime our bodies, cyclical by nature, tend to crave lighter foods, less clutter and freedom from constrictive…

Human Management: Leading Extroverts

Steve Jobs, Muhammad Ali, and Da Vinci were all larger-than-life personalities who left a lasting impact on the world. They are widely regarded as extroverts, characterized by their outgoing nature, love for socializing, and a natural inclination towards competitiveness and risk-taking. Managing the strengths and weaknesses of such individuals requires strong leadership and tactful handling.…

Fireside Chat with Kris Lui, Executive Council Member, IHRM in Hong Kong

Kris is an inspirational leader, and we had the pleasure of talking with her about her journey in HR, women leaders in HR and how they influence the organization. She also talked about good leadership and how good leaders impact the talents of today. We concluded by discussing what leaders should be doing differently to…

Building A Thriving Workplace through Authentic Leadership

Leaders have a responsibility to create productive, innovative, and growth-oriented environments. Prioritizing personal fulfilment can take this a step further. Workplace cultures that promote openness and transparency encourage employee satisfaction, leading to excellence and efficiency. Creating a thriving workplace requires authenticity and trust. By fostering an environment where individuals can be their true selves and…

Human Management: Leading Introverts

Gartner, an international consultancy, has identified “human management” as being the next step in the evolution of management. They describe human management as being made up of authenticity, empathy and adaptiveness. These human management “soft skills” are key to getting the most out of your varied team. They are key to unlocking the potential of an often overlooked and underrated personality type, the Introvert. Managing Personalities…

Where Can I find a Career Development Service Tailored to My Needs?

What Is A Career Development Service? A Career Development Service is a type of educational program or training program, where a professional trainer, consultant or lecturer helps individuals to identify their wants, needs and strengths and assists them to achieve their career goals and objectives. These services can take many forms, such as online classes,…

What is the Nine Second Rule? How to Make Your CV Stand Out

Is There a Formula for a Great CV? Atrium HR Consulting’s Recruitment Team are no strangers to resumes, we receive applications from prospective candidates from all over the world every day. One thing is clear however, Not all CVs are created equally. Our expert recruiters can tell almost instantly whether a CV is likely to…

What Brings You Joy at Christmas?

We asked our team to share what brings them joy at Christmas, here are some of their personal sharings! Jennie Boardman – Commercial Director, Global Operations Mike Smith, Director Justine Withey, Business Support Manager Anya Baillie, Business Development Executive Hilary Stevenson, Lead Development Consultant Pauline Mei Ling Williams, Director Emma Johnson, Global Account Manager Hannah…

Q&A with Fran Staddon, Head of HR, Asia Region (Retail Sector)

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI): how this impacts employee engagement Impact on employee engagement A Fast Company Report mentions companies with above-average gender diversity and employee engagement levels outperform other companies by 46% to 58%. Companies with improved DEI policies always reach the pinnacle of success compared to companies that fail to recruit and recognise a…

The Wellbeing Case for DEI – Dr Marlette Jackson

How are DEI and wellness related? Over the last two years health and wellbeing has become front and centre in organizational life, thanks to the pandemic. We have all heard of the business case for DEI but what about the wellness case for DEI?  It is becoming increasingly apparent that without compassionate, inclusive, people-centred workplaces,…

It’s Time to Synchronize Your DEI and Wellbeing Strategies

For some folks in the workplace, the emotional tax of even just showing up for work can be high. Research is showing that members of communities that experience discrimination due to race, gender, sexuality or ability have more barriers to their own health care and sense of wellness. DEI and wellbeing are top priorities as…

Q&A with Patrick Barneoud & Barbara Sheldon-Thomas

At Atrium HR Consulting, we put people at the heart of everything we do. October celebrates World Mental Health Awareness Month, providing organizations around the globe, with the opportunity to focus on Well-being in the Workplace, especially when it comes to promoting a wellness culture to employees and promoting the awareness of Mental Health. However,…

It’s Ok to Not Be Ok – A Personal Sharing

The first Mental Health day was on 10 October back in 1992 and the WHO has declared this day, 10 October as World Mental Health Day, ever since. Thankfully and I say this wholeheartedly and from personal experience, we have come a long way since the early nineties. We are hearing “crazy”, “lunatic” and “nutcase”…

What are Wellness Champions? And why every organization should have them

What is a Wellness Champion? A Wellness Champion is a member of your team who promotes wellness among their colleagues. Much like you have first aiders to help when people have an accident or become physically ill, Wellness Champions support people’s mental wellbeing and help you build and maintain a culture of workplace wellness. Who…

What is a Wellness Champion?

A Wellness Champion is a member of your team who promotes wellness among their colleagues. Much like you have first aiders to help when people have an accident or become physically ill, Wellness Champions support people’s mental wellbeing and help you build and maintain a culture of workplace wellness. Who Can Be A Wellness Champion? …

Take A Load Off: Dinner Time Solutions for a Calm Mind

Returning to the workplace after 2 years at home can be overwhelming. How do you fit in dinner preparation for the family, house cleaning, caring for your loved ones, and your other commitments?  A Meal Kit delivery service is one way to reduce daily decision-making, free up time spent shopping,and bring family back to the…

The Happy Secret to Better Work

The research is in! Companies with happy workers are more productive, innovative, attractive and well. In 2011, Harvard happiness researcher Shawn Achor released this TED talk that has gone on to have over 24 million views, making it one of the most viewed TED talks of all time. Why? Because people want to know how…

The Four Factors to Happiness at Work

This ground-breaking research study, performed by the Happiness Research Institute in Copenhagen, Denmark, is a deep examination into Valcon, one of the world’s happiest companies. The study has tracked and assessed many factors that contribute to happiness in the workplace. Read on to find out the Four Factors that distinguished the happiest people at this…
smiling woman in blue shirt

Three Things You Think Will Make You Happier At Work… But Won’t

For many of us, work’s not working out. Mundane tasks, too much to do and the nagging feeling that your job may be, well, meaningless – mean that 47% of people in the UK want to change jobs. And for millennials like me it’s even higher, with 66% of us wanting to quit. We all know what will make us…
fish with onions and asparagus

Chef Barb’s Happy Salmon and Mango Salsa: Dopamine Booster!

Happy Salmon Ingredients 2 fillets of fresh caught, wild salmon (contains omega 3 fats for neurotransmitter health) 1 lemon, juiced and zested. Happy Salmon Method Preheat grill to 180 degrees Celsius. Line a piece of aluminium foil with parchment paper and place fish on top. Add salt, pepper and half of the lemon juice. Carefully…

Q&A with Mark McLeish (Head of HR)

It is fair to say that the last couple of years have been challenging for most companies across the world, especially when it comes to retaining and attracting talent. We have seen a rapid change in the way we work, and we have had to adapt quickly to using modern technologies, thereby enabling us all…

The new dawn of HR

An efficient HR strategically contributes to growth and might well be the most complex department of an organization. Previously the unsung heroes, functioning largely in the background, the role of the HR department really came to the forefront recently with the rise of working from home. New working contracts were needed at short notice and…

Q and A with Rachel Wright

Over the past few years, there has been a dramatic shift in the way we work, how we work and where we work. From a recruiting perspective, we have therefore seen how this has changed the dynamics considerably. Depending on the industry sector, there are now a whole host of influencing factors that come into…

Supporting Your E-learning Journey

What is microlearning? Bite-sized learning, also called microlearning, is short, highly focused content based on a single topic or problem. We’d love to learn more about your views on E-learning, please take a few minutes to complete our survey.  The key findings will be shared in our upcoming newsletter.

The Importance of Wellbeing – Are You Surviving or Thriving?

Now, more than ever, businesses are prioritising the mental wellbeing of their workforce to not only help their teams adapt to a new way of working but to also create happy teams that are more productive and engaged, and that effects the bottom line! What is your organisation’s new norm? Whether it be working from…

Four Ways for Businesses to Steer Through the Great Resignation

By now you’ve probably heard about the Great Resignation.  A shift in the way people think about work is occurring all over the world and companies are experiencing mass resignations on a scale that has never been seen before. Billions of people were affected by the global pandemic, and many have emerged with a renewed…

Will Remote Workforces Become “The Norm” In The Future?

Ever since the advent of the internet more and more employees have been able to effectively perform their work duties remotely from the comfort of either their own homes, their local coffee shops or wherever they can find a stable Wi-Fi connection!  But could the mobilisation of remote workforces soon become “The norm”? Back in…

Leading the Way in Mental Health Awareness

No one should have to suffer in silence and Atrium is dedicated in their efforts to support those who need help and support when it comes to mental health. Recognising Mental Health Awareness Month, Atrium HR Consulting would like to take the opportunity to encourage the importance of speaking up. No one should have to…

Music Creation to Boost Motivation and Productivity in the Workplace

Music Creation to Boost Motivation and Productivity in the Workplace Atrium HR Consulting is breaking down barriers by releasing their new creative music workshops which encourage teamwork and a better employee experience at the workplace. These will help employees build resilience and boost team morale. These interactive workshops provide a hands-on, creative experience of music…
Atrium HR Grows 350% in Wellness Services

Atrium HR Grows 350% in Wellness Services

Alliance Group company, Atrium HR Consulting, has seen an increase in usage demand for their Wellness Services of 350%. Because of this high demand, Atrium HR has invested in expansion of their global network of specialist, multilingual and professional counsellors to provide support to those who are in need. The demand is due to, not…

Remote Leadership, Training & Development

Atrium HR Consulting’s Personal Development Programme offers tailor-made solutions to suit any individual’s needs and is delivered remotely using the latest [...]

Atrium HR Consulting Remote Counselling Services

Atrium HR Consulting has the perfect solution to the Coronavirus outbreak, our team of counsellors is ready to support the mental health and wellbeing of your staff – remotely! [...]

Coronavirus: An Organisational Crisis?

Atrium HR Consulting’s team is aware that the Coronavirus is currently dominating the headlines throughout the world and that the main emphasis is on prevention [...]

Personal Development Programme

Atrium HR Consulting’s Personal Development Programme offers tailor-made solutions to suit any individual’s needs and is delivered remotely using the latest [...]

Atrium HR Consulting’s On-Boarding Programme

According to Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM), 69% of employees are more likely stay with a company for three years if they received great on-boarding [...]

Why use Atrium for your Employee Benefits?

Atrium HR Consulting provide you with a dedicated team of qualified and experienced professionals whose main role is to ensure that you achieve the best price for the most enhanced benefits. [...]

How to provide effective EAP, coaching and counselling without the stigma

Many HR professionals find the stigma associated with mental health challenging, often EAP programs reduce costs by using inexperienced staff [...]
Atrium HR

Atrium launches the first telephysiotherapy service for corporate global wellness clients

Atrium HR Consulting has cemented its place as the most innovative Employee Benefits services provider by introducing telephysiotherapy as the latest addition to the company’s repertoire. As a specialist in managing globally mobile employees, remotely located and expatriate work forces, telephysiotherapy was the next logical step. The service is designed to give globally mobile staff…

How to Stay Sane at Christmas

If you’re worried about gaining weight over Christmas, here are 10 tips to help you feel fab in the New Year.

How to feel fab after Christmas

Christmas is a fantastic holiday, yet it can also be very stressful, so here are some tips to help you survive the holiday with your sanity intact.

SHRM 2016 Holiday Schedules Survey

Every year the Society for Human Resources Management conducts a survey to establish how many companies will close during the Christmas period throughout the world.


According to HR professionals, balancing employee leave fairly whilst maintaining continuity for the company, is the most stressful aspect in the build up to Christmas.

EAP: The best investment your business can make in 2017

With mental health issues quickly becoming the number 1 obstacle to employee well being and costing companies over a trillion dollars each year,

Employee Value Proposition Explained

With companies competing for the best talent, Employee Value Proposition (EVP) has become a hot topic for HR professionals. Atrium Director, Gabrielle Ramsay-Smith explains EVP and the unique benefits companies can gain from getting it right in this easy to understand guide. Free EVP Guide: Download    

Atrium’s Head of Recruitment Lee Morley explains the benefits of a spoonful of honey every day

Professional recruitment consultant and part-time beekeeper, Lee, balances his hectic work life with a pastime that some may consider somewhat hazardous. Spending his spare time with a bunch of bees has proved to be extremely cathartic; helping to preserve the bee population whilst enjoying the beautiful Spanish countryside helps him to unwind mentally, and of…

Workplace Mental Health – Fast Facts

Mental health is an issue organizations can’t afford to ignore: Learn more about Atrium Employee Assistance & Global Wellness Programs:  Click Here Atrium HR Consulting shares some of the key statistics regarding mental health issues in the workplace: Most people spend approximately 60% of their waking hours at work Almost one in three people have…

HR Survey: How to Retain your Best Employees – Top Tips from HR Professionals

Recruiting and retaining the right employees matters, especially as you compete for the best talent now and in the future. Information published by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) revealed the answer to the question of what people plan to do whenever job markets rebound. In a survey produced by SHRM and the The Wall…

How HR can Instantly Reduce Recruitment Costs by 50%

As recruitment agencies continue to increase their recruitment fees, Atrium HR Consulting explains some of the tactics utilized by the Atrium Recruitment Team that have enabled them to offer their services at half the price. 50% Discount on Atrium Recruitment:  Click Here Gabrielle Ramsay-Smith, Director at Atrium reveals all… Utilize Lower Cost Locations Gabrielle says:  If you…

Fastest Growing HR Roles

If you’re among the many HR professionals with a psychology degree, consider yourself fortunate. Statistics are showing that the role of industrial-organizational psychologist is taking the crown as the fastest-growing job. Several other HR segments are also set to rise above the international average of 11% job growth, but if you’re in compensation, it might…

Top 4 Traits of Successful Human Resource Professionals

No matter what profession you work in, it’s important to be an expert in your trade. In order to achieve this success, you must possess a wide variety of social skills including workplace professionalism, honesty, integrity, good manners, and a good attitude. When you are a Human Resources Professional, you not only need those skills,…

London HR – Salary Survey

Welcome to the Atrium HR Consulting annual review of salaries for HR professionals in London. Contrary to overall employment trends in London, the hiring of HR positions over the last year has remained strong in London with companies continuing to invest in human resource functions. Whilst this remains true across the entire discipline, it is…

Hong Kong HR – Salary Survey

Welcome to the Atrium HR Consulting annual review of salaries for HR professionals in Hong Kong. The hiring of HR positions over the last year has remained stable with companies continuing to invest in human resource functions. In addition, with organizations realizing an increased value in HR as a key contributor to overall strategic objectives,…

Alliance Group Company NowCompare reaches 10 million expats

The world is an increasingly fluid place in terms of people choosing to relocate overseas, often permanently settling far from their original homelands. In its bid to support the needs of a growing expatriate market, Alliance Group has made some interesting findings. The United Nations confirms that the number of expats has in fact tripled…

Alliance Spain Celebrates 1st Anniversary

Malaga, 4 April 2017, Alliance’s operations in Spain celebrate their one year anniversary Alliance Group International, the global insurance and financial services intermediary, launched operations in Spain last year as part of their overall strategic expansion and has seen rapid growth since then. The offices, based in Malaga City, facilitates the customer service provision on…

Alliance Group International announce launch of Atrium HR Consulting

Alliance Group International, an international insurance, financial services and investment holding company, announce the launch of Atrium HR Consulting. The new venture will provide international companies, government bodies and non-governmental organizations with a one-stop solution for managing globally mobile, remotely located and expatriate work forces. With the aim of helping organizations ensure international best practice…

Alliance Group Expand Operations in Thailand

Alliance Group International confirm further expansion of operations in Bangkok, Thailand, for their TPA subsidiary Alliance International Servicing. A year on from receiving acceptance by Thailand’s Board of Investment for continued growth of infrastructure in the country, Alliance International Servicing has been able to increase the Thailand team by over 25% whilst laying the operational…

Best Employee Benefits Provider

Alliance Group company, Mybenefits, has been nominated as the “Best Employee Benefits Service Provider” in Asia for the third year in a row by the Expatriate Management & Mobility Awards. With its head quarters in Hong Kong, the company now provides employee benefit services including insurance and financial services to companies with employees in over…