How to Stay Sane at Christmas

How to Stay Sane over Christmas
With the festive season fast approaching, most people view Christmas Day with equal measures of anticipation and dread. It isn’t just a case of handling the practicalities; once the bird, the tree and the gifts have been tackled, there is still the prospect of a potentially explosive mix of random relatives each full of high expectations, high spirits and high-jinx.
Here are some light-hearted tips to help you get through the holiday season with both your digestive system and sanity intact.
1.Do it your own way
If you’re obliged to play host to relatives at Christmas, you may already feel that you’ve lost control over the proceedings. Yet, don’t despair, you can still plan how you would like the day to pan out, such as menus, playlists, festive films and games. If you start to visualise how you would like the day to unfold, the easier it will be for you to carry it off. Even the most curmudgeonly guests usually fall into line when suitably sated, and in some cases, completely sozzled.
2.Take time to breathe
If you start to feel stressed or how should we say, ‘tired and emotional’, you should find yourself a quiet corner (yes, the bathroom may have to do!) to sit down and breathe. Slow, steady, deep breaths will help you relax, calm down and feel more centred, providing a little respite from the Christmas chaos, before you’re ready to get back in the ring for the next round.
3.Set your own pace
No one expects you to be superhuman, so stop trying. If you’ve left your prep until the last minute, enlist help – willing or unwilling – from your guests. Rushing around will only increase your stress levels, but if you dial it down a notch you’ll avoid unnecessary anxiety and upset, allowing you to stay calm and enjoy the day.
4.Play the game
Wey Hey, this is the one time of year when children don’t have a monopoly on games and fun. Setting aside time to play is a good way to make sure you have time to relax, recharge and release stress. If you choose to do this wearing reindeer ears, a flashing nose or a Christmas jumper, more power to you.
5.Sing like nobody can hear you
Whether carolling or belting out your favourite show tunes, there’s no room for shrinking violets at Christmas. Tone deaf – possibly, tuneless – definitely and deafening loud – oh yes, but like laughter, singing gets your blood flowing, reenergising your brain and body. It’s also infectious, drowns out irritating in-laws and invariably gets you dancing along.
6.Take a walk
Tempting as it may be to eat and drink and then eat some more, whilst taking root on the sofa. Making the effort to take a brisk walk is a fantastic way to inject some much-needed energy into the proceedings. And depending upon your viewpoint; a walk can be great for bonding or can provide the perfect escape route.
7.Christmas hats rock
Christmas is not cool, so don’t even try. It is the only time of year that you’ll look out of place if you aren’t wearing a silly hat, embarrassing jumper or a soppy smile. Nothing raises spirits like seasonal silliness when it comes to your sartorial choices.
8.Find the funny side
Hanging out with Uncle Bert or Aunt Gert may not be at the top of your must-do list, but if you’ve drawn the short straw this Christmas, then for your own sanity’s sake you must get over it. There is always a funny side to every occasion or incident, you just have to remember to look for it. This is a prime example of making merry out of misfortune.
9.Corny Christmas Crackers
This applies equally to re-runs on TV to the stale jokes in the crackers. We’ve seen and heard them all before but like a comfy old jumper, we want to keep putting them on again. Don’t fight it, they’re an essential part of Christmas.
10.There’s always next year
What’s the worst that can happen…burnt offerings, frayed tempers and family feuds will all be forgotten by the time Christmas comes around again next year.
So, don’t sweat the small stuff. Deep breathe, big drink and bright smile, it’s show time.
Enjoy it…as you’ll be back at work in no time!
Last but not least… Atrium wishes you a very happy and stress-free holiday and we look forward to being of assistance in 2023!