Atrium’s Head of Recruitment Lee Morley explains the benefits of a spoonful of honey every day

Professional recruitment consultant and part-time beekeeper, Lee, balances his hectic work life with a pastime that some may consider somewhat hazardous. Spending his spare time with a bunch of bees has proved to be extremely cathartic; helping to preserve the bee population whilst enjoying the beautiful Spanish countryside helps him to unwind mentally, and of course, there is the bonus of the unctuous golden nectar that they produce.
5 reasons to love honey
-Stimulate your immune system
-Probiotic: contains up to 6 species of lactobacilli
-Flavonoids and antioxidants can help reduce the risk of some cancers and heart disease
-Soothes a sore throat
-It tastes great!
Honey or “Yogavahi”, as it is referred to in Indian Ayurvedic medicine, has been used for over 4000 years to rebalance the body. It is a staple ingredient in their herbal remedies for its perceived ability to reach deeper into the muscle. On the other side of the world, Ancient Olympian athletes would eat it to enhance their performance, and it seems that the Olympians weren’t too far off the mark. Recent research has shown that honey can indeed maintain glycogen levels (needed for performance) and reduce recovery time. It is also purported to help with everything from improving eyesight to impotence…but this we cannot vouch for.
Wonderful as it is, you may be wondering why Atrium HR Consulting is talking about honey? The answer is as simple as it is surprising. Atrium’s Global Wellness division is interested in anything and everything that can improve your physical and mental wellbeing. However, the main reason is that Lee Morley, Atrium’s International Head of Recruitment, based in Malaga, just happens to be a dedicated beekeeper. Together with two like-minded friends, he tends to almost 100 hives and produces 100 per cent pure natural honey.
When Lee got stuck on honey
Let’s go back to the beginning. When he was a young boy in London, Lee’s grandparents were avid beekeepers, which is how he developed his enduring taste for the golden nectar. Fast forward to today, he now lives in Comares (Malaga) and when he isn’t matching people with their perfect international jobs, he can be found modelling the latest beekeeping suits whilst tending to his 98 hives.
Honey for his bees
Lee takes a holistic approach to the bees and the honey, taking a dim view of the commercially artificial produced honey available in supermarkets. His honey is completely raw, unpasteurised,
never goes off and utterly delicious. This level of goodness is achieved by leaving half of the honey in the hives for the bees to eat, rather than artificially feeding them – producing around 900 kilos of pure unadulterated natural honey each year.
Natural bacteria and enzymes
The more natural the honey, the more health giving qualities it has. Lee and his beekeeping friends collectively call themselves “Comares Mountain Honey”, and their honey is a big hit in the local community, particularly amongst the expat residents. Expats can be susceptible to the different pollens in the air, particularly from the olive groves, which can prove problematic and cause some to suffer from the unfamiliar allergens. Enter the bees… as they buzz from grove to flower, they are collecting a cornucopia of pollens which are then taken back to the hive and traces of pollen as well as the nectar end up in the honey. The pollens and the nectar in the honey provide natural bacteria and enzymes that act as a remedy to the unfamiliar pollens; natures very own antihistamine.
Production is very small, so it is only family and friends who are the lucky recipients of this small but perfectly formed honey production line, plus a small surplus that is sold at local markets, either as honey or honeycomb in jars.
Replenishing the local bee population
Lee’s appreciation for the bees and the vital work that they do for the environment means that they are treated with respect. Unlike commercially kept bees, they live on a diet of their own fresh honey.
During swarm season he baits empty hives with queen bee pheromone which he uses to catch swarms from his own hives as well as wild honey bees and allows some of his swarms to go wild, this way he is ensuring a healthy, happy supply of bees around Comares.
Lee explains his passion for beekeeping, “I admire bees enormously as a species. They do a tremendous job and also produce some truly delicious honey. It is a happy coincidence that the honey is both delicious and also has fantastic health benefits. It is extremely gratifying to know that I am doing my part in safeguarding the bee population”.
If you would like more information about any the incredible benefits of eating natural honey, or any other aspect of wellbeing, contact us at Until then…“just bee awesome”.