GET TO KNOW US:  Atrium’s Team of Nutrition and Fitness Specialists Offer a Wealth of Knowledge for YOUR Wellbeing

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At Atrium, we believe that wellbeing is about how we thrive, both mentally and physically. You may not know that we have an incredible team of Nutrition and Fitness professionals who are happy to consult with your organisation about optimal wellbeing.  

We will be featuring them all over the next few issues of our wellbeing newsletter. In this issue, please take a moment to get to know: 

Winnie Lin, MS(Kinesiology), BS(Deictics), RD (US), ACSM-EP Registered Dietitian (US)

  • American College of Sports Medicine Certified Exercise Physiologist (US) Certified FODMAP Trained Dietitian (Aus)
  • Certified Intuitive Eating Counsellor (US)
  • Certified EBT Provider (US)
  • Hong Kong Crohn’s and Colitis Society Nutrition Consultant
  • International Affiliation of Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Country Representative (Hong Kong)
  • Former Research Dietitian at Department of Therapeutic Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Winnie is a non-calorie counting registered dietitian, who received her training and degrees in Kinesiology and Dietetics in California. She is also an ACSM-certified exercise physiologist, certified emotional brain training (EBT) provider, certified intuitive eating counsellor, and FODMAP-trained dietitian. She is also the founder of Winnie Lin Wholistic, a holistic and dietetic wellbeing practice.

Winnie works with clients on a personal level, understanding their dietary and lifestyle habits to map out the root cause of their health conditions. She also provides clients with personalised Food Plans that focus on gut health and stress reduction, to prevent further development of diseases. She shares her insight on gut health in a Hong Kong Economic Journal column. Her exercise physiology background also aids in enhancing athletic performance. Winnie’s passion drives her to balance clients’ wellbeing in this fast-paced world. Furthermore, in the recent year, this passion has inspired her to curate her first supplement in a gut-health product line.

In her leisure time, Winnie enjoys a wide range of hobbies from hiking, planting and reading to organising spaces. She is also a pet parent to 4 cats and 2 dogs. 

Contact our Wellbeing Team now! Email an Atrium nutrition expert at if you would like more information on how expert nutritionists like Winnie can support your team!