Heart Health at Work: Why It Matters and How to Take Action


In this month’s Atrium Wellbeing newsletter, we’re focusing on a crucial aspect of wellbeing that directly impacts both our personal lives and our productivity at work: heart health. With heart disease remaining a leading cause of health issues globally, it’s essential to understand how taking care of our hearts can enhance our day-to-day life in our workplace environment and our individual performance.

The Link Between Heart Health and Productivity

Recent studies underscore the profound connection between heart health and workplace productivity. Research from the American Heart Association (AHA) reveals that employees with good cardiovascular health are 20% more productive than those with heart issues. Additionally, heart disease can lead to higher rates of absenteeism, with individuals who experience heart-related problems missing up to 8 more days of work annually compared to their healthier counterparts.

Tips for Heart Health at Work

To foster a heart-healthy workplace, consider incorporating these tips into your daily routine:

  1. Stay Active: Aim to incorporate physical activity into your workday. Take breaks to walk, use the stairs, or even try standing desks. Regular movement can help manage weight, reduce stress, and boost overall heart health.
  2. Healthy Eating: Choose fibre-rich snacks like fruits, nuts, and whole grains. Dietary fibre can help remove excess cholesterol from the body.  Avoid vending machine temptations that are high in sugars and fats. We also encourage participating in or organising health-focused activities such as pot lucks or wellbeing challenges.
  3. Manage Stress: Practise stress-relief techniques such as deep breathing exercises, mindfulness, or quick meditation sessions. Utilise your access to mental health practitioners to receive the mental wellbeing support you may need to manage your stress.
  4. Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water is essential for maintaining overall health, including heart health. Avoid excessive caffeine and sugary drinks, which can increase adrenaline and, therefore, heart rate.
  5. Avoid Smoking: If you smoke, consider seeking support to quit. Many organisations offer resources to help employees quit smoking and improve their overall health. Atrium specialist therapists can help you get on track with your daily habits.
  6. Regular Check-Ups: Make use of health screenings with your primary care practitioner and wellbeing programmes offered through your benefits, like your Atrium Wellbeing Service. Regular check-ups can help identify potential issues early and keep you on track with your heart health goals.
  7. Create a Supportive Environment: Encourage a culture where heart health is a shared priority. Share tips, support colleagues, and promote heart-healthy initiatives within the workplace.

In Summary

Taking care of our hearts is not just about individual wellbeing; it’s about enhancing our collective productivity and creating a healthier, more vibrant, joyful work environment. By focusing on heart health, we not only improve our quality of life but also contribute to a more engaged and productive workplace.

You can arrange a discussion about heart health with an Atrium HR Wellbeing specialist here.

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